Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

Visiting Fellows Program

CIRES visiting fellowships for postdoctorate and sabbatical researchers are highly competitive

A woman and a man involved in the Visiting Fellows program converse outdoors
CIRES postdocs Garima Malhotra and Sergio Ibarra-Espinosa, a Visiting Fellow postdoc working in the NOAA Global Monitoring Division, visit with others in the Visiting Fellows Program at a Boulder park in 2022.

CIRES sponsors a prestigious Visiting Fellows program, inviting scientists to join the thriving community of researchers in Boulder, Colorado. CIRES Visiting Fellowships are intended to stimulate interdisciplinary research across the institute through engagement with CIRES researchers on campus and in Boulder’s NOAA Laboratories. Sponsored by CIRES Fellows, Visiting Fellows work with CIRES researchers on a wide range of environmental science topics. The CIRES Visiting Fellows Program has attracted more than 350 scientists from around the world over the past 50 years; many have gone on to lasting careers in CIRES and NOAA. We encourage applications from members of groups under-represented in the environmental sciences and related disciplines. This program is funded primarily through the CIRES Cooperative Agreement with NOAA.

Two-year Visiting Fellowships are available for postdoctoral researchers, and terms of up to 12 months for senior scientists on leave or sabbatical.

Applicants should contact possible Visiting Fellow Sponsors well in advance of submitting an application. Successful proposals are typically designed in collaboration with your potential host at CIRES. Without the support of a current CIRES Fellow or CIRES Senior Research Scientist, your application is unlikely to succeed. 

The competition opens October 21, 2024. Applications will be due January 2, 2025 at 11:59 pm MST.  

More information about applying to the Postdoctoral Visiting Fellowships and Sabbatical Fellowships can be found using the tabs below.

Register now for the Virtual Visiting Fellow Info Session on November 4, 2024 at 10 am MST!

This one-hour informational webinar about the CIRES Visiting Fellow Program answers: What is the program? How do I apply? What do I need to include in my application? How do I identify a sponsor? And more!!

This live event will be led by Christine Wiedinmyer, Associate Director for Science. Register for this webinar here

A recording of the webinar held on November 1, 2023 can be found here
A recording of the webinar held on November 2, 2022 can be viewed here.
A recording of the webinar held on November 1, 2021 can be viewed here.

Postdoctoral Visiting Fellowships are available in two-year terms. The annual salary is $70,000 the first year with a second-year increase in line with campus merit and/or other base-building compensation increases, depending on start date. A research budget of up to $8,000 is included in the award, along with a modest relocation stipend for the individual (no family costs can be covered). A laptop will be provided, which is separate from the $8,000 research budget.


  • The applicant should be no more than 4 years out from completion of PhD at the time of application (exceptions may be made for time off due to caretaking responsibilities or other exceptional circumstances. Please contact
  • Past or current CU Boulder graduate students and postdocs are not eligible.
  • Current or former CIRES Visiting Fellows are not eligible.
  • An applicant must have a Ph.D. granted in an area related to CIRES work; this includes completing the defense and all thesis revisions approved before the start of the CIRES appointment. Proof of degree will be required before the official start date.

Application Requirements

Candidates are required to submit the following materials:

  • CV (2 Page NSF Template)
  • Transcripts
  • Cover Letter (1-2 pages)
    • Expected start date, the name(s) of the sponsoring CIRES Fellow(s) and other CIRES, NOAA, and University of Colorado researchers with whom you intend to work, and a description of the nature of the collaboration with each scientist.
    • Justification of how you would be a strong addition to the CIRES scientific community. Be sure to align your answers to the CIRES Strategic Plan.
    • Short description of an experience or event that was pivotal in your growth as a researcher, in terms of what was learned and how it informs your approach to your research. Higher priority will be given to those who can clearly explain how this position will forward their growth as a researcher, both in terms of methodology and skillset.
  • Research proposal (3 pages max including figures, 12 pt font. Figure captions can be 10 pt font. References not included in 3 page limit.)
    • Proposals should outline your motivation for the work, its novelty and potential contribution to the field, the research question, the methods to be pursued, and the expected outcomes. Higher priority will be given to those who indicate an appropriate timeline for achieving these outcomes.
    • Proposals should also include the scientific rationale for doing the work in CIRES, such as linkages with the research of the CIRES Fellow/Senior Research Scientist supporting your proposal.
    • Please remember that the proposals will be reviewed by an interdisciplinary scientific team and should therefore be written for a broad scientific audience. Feel free to contact Christine if you would like clarification on this request.
  • Names and contact information of 3 people to provide letters of recommendation 
    • Letters of recommendation should include specific examples to illustrate the candidate’s ability to complete tasks on a reasonable timeline, independent thinking skills, creative problem solving skills, passion for the field of study, examples of perseverance when met with a challenge and the ability to work collaboratively on a team. 
    • CIRES sponsors cannot write recommendation letters.
    • Applicants are responsible for following up with their recommendation letter writers to ensure that they get their letters submitted by the deadline. 

Applicants should contact possible CIRES VFP Sponsors well in advance of submitting an application. Successful proposals are typically designed in collaboration with your potential host at CIRES. Without the support of a current CIRES Fellow/Senior Research Scientist, your application is unlikely to succeed. 

Please start your online application early so that your reference letter writers can be notified with ample time. The application submission website will allow you to save and return to finish your application.

Application materials must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (MST), January 2, 2025; letters of recommendation will be accepted through January 8, 2025. 

NOTE: Google Chrome is the preferred browser for this application. 

Application Review and Selection

Applications are evaluated by a committee of CIRES Fellows, based on the following criteria of the application requirements as well as:

  • Quality of a candidate's previous research
  • Potential contribution to environmental science (this may include record of publication, awards, fellowships, etc.). 
  • Potential for the development of novel partnerships that could benefit scientific understanding, CIRES, or NOAA.
  • Indicated support from the proposed CIRES Fellow or Research Scientist sponsor(s).


  • Tangible materials, such as computers, purchased under the grant must remain at CIRES after the end of the award.
  • Fellowships must begin within 10 months of acceptance of the offer; no deferrals.
  • Visiting Fellows must present their work in person at the CIRES Rendezvous science symposium in May, or must arrange a seminar for the broader CIRES audience prior to completing the fellowship.

Sabbatical Fellowships for senior scientists are available for between 3 and 12 months. Modest requests to reimburse lodging expenses up to $2,500/month and a budget for research-related travel, materials and supplies up to $8,000 may be included in the award. A laptop will be provided, which is separate from the $8,000 research budget. Sabbatical Fellows can use their approved research travel budget to reimburse relocation expenses.


  • Applicant must have appointment at an academic or research institution.
  • Individuals who have been University of Colorado Boulder graduate students, postdocs, researchers, or faculty within 10 years of the application due date are not eligible.
  • Applicants are expected to be mid to senior career.
  • Priority will be given to candidates affiliated with institutions outside the greater Boulder scientific community.
  • Applicants must be in residence at CIRES (or be conducting related field research) for a minimum of 3 months. Vacation time and conference attendance do not count toward the 3-month minimum. 

Application Requirements

Candidates are required to submit the following materials:

  • CV (2 Page NSF Template)
  • Identification of at least one (and up to 3) CIRES Fellow/Senior Research Scientist sponsor(s).
  • Cover Letter (max 2 pages, 12 pt font)
    • The cover letter should include the following information:
      • Expected start date, the name(s) of the sponsoring CIRES Fellow(s) and other CIRES, NOAA, and University of Colorado researchers with whom you intend to work, and a description of the nature of the collaboration with each scientist.
      • Justification of how you would be a strong addition to the CIRES scientific community. Be sure to align your answers to the CIRES Strategic Plan.
      • Short description about how this sabbatical visit will create or enhance lasting relationships and collaborations between yourself and CIRES Faculty, Scientists and Students. If relevant, please comment on any potential research activities and funding opportunities that may result from the sabbatical visit. Also if relevant, please comment on your potential collaborations and mentorship of students during your visit.
  • Research proposal (3 pages max including figures, 12 pt font. Figure captions can be 10 pt font. References not included in 3 page limit.)

    • Proposals should outline your motivation for the work, its novelty and potential contribution to the field, the research question, the methods to be pursued, and the expected outcomes. Higher priority will be given to those who indicate an appropriate timeline for achieving these outcomes.
    • Proposals should also include the scientific rationale for doing the work in CIRES, such as linkages with the research of the CIRES Fellow/Senior Research Scientist supporting your proposal.
    • Please remember that the proposals will be reviewed by an interdisciplinary scientific team and should therefore be written for a broad scientific audience. Feel free to contact Christine if you would like clarification on this request.


Applicants should contact possible CIRES VFP Sponsors well in advance of submitting an application. Successful proposals are typically designed in collaboration with your potential host at CIRES. Without the support of a current CIRES Fellow/Senior Research Scientist, your application is unlikely to succeed. 

Please submit your application online. Application materials must be submitted by 11:59 p.m. (MST), January 2, 2025.

NOTE: Google Chrome is the preferred browser for this application. 

Application Review and Selection

Applications are evaluated by a committee of CIRES Fellows, based on the following criteria of the application requirements as well as:

  • Quality of a candidate's previous research
  • Potential contribution to environmental science (this may include record of publication, awards, fellowships, etc.). 
  • Potential for the development of novel partnerships that could benefit scientific understanding, CIRES, or NOAA.
  • Indicated support from the proposed CIRES Fellow or Research Scientist sponsor(s).


  • Tangible materials, such as computers, purchased under the grant must remain at CIRES after the end of the award.
  • Fellowships must begin within 10 months of acceptance of the offer; no deferrals.
  • Visiting Fellows must present their work in person at the CIRES Rendezvous science symposium in May, or must arrange a seminar for the broader CIRES audience prior to completing the fellowship.

Click Here to watch the VFP Informational Session from November 1, 2021.

Please email Christine Wiedinmyer for any additional questions to be answered on this list.

Q: What are acceptable budget items in research budget for sabbatical visitors? A: Sabbatical Visiting Fellows typically spend their research budget on travel, abstract fees, conference registration, and some material and supplies related to their research, but usually it’s travel.

Q: Could the CIRES Center for Education, Engagement, and Evaluation (CEEE) act as a host? I am interested in submitting a proposal related to Climate Change Education research. A: Anne Gold, the Director of the CIRES Center for Education, Engagement, and Evaluation (CEEE), can be a sponsor.

Q: Are international candidates eligible to apply? A: Yes. You do not have to do anything special to apply. If your application is approved, our Human Resources department will assist with necessary visas, etc.

Q: Can someone who will be graduating with a PhD in coming months apply to the program? A: Yes. However, it is expected that you will have completed your PhD when you begin your postdoctoral fellowship.

Q: When are decisions normally made, and what is the start date? A: Decisions are made in the spring, and awardees must start within nine months of being notified.

Q: Any general advice for a strong application? A: Follow directions, start early and meet deadlines! If you do not meet deadlines, your application will not be reviewed. If you do not follow the directions, your application will not be reviewed. Reach out to a sponsor early. Please have someone else outside of your field read your application to ensure it is well-written and clear.

Q: How to identify potential sponsors? A: These are people that you can work with when you come for your fellowship. You can review potential sponsors on our website. You can check out their publications and profiles to see if their research aligns with yours. You can email a potential sponsor and say you would like to work with them. Do your research and know how your research fits into what they are doing to initiate the conversation. It is possible to be sponsored by as many as three CIRES Fellows/Senior Research Scientists.

Q: What sets people apart when contacting potential sponsors? A: It is helpful to avoid generic messages, to do your homework and try to connect with potential sponsors. You can mention connections to your research and give examples. Please be specific on your expertise and interests.

Q: Should people follow up with potential sponsors if they don’t hear back? A: Yes, do not be discouraged as they may be busy. Send a nice reminder email after a week or two. You can reach out to Christine Wiedinmyer for guidance in this process.

Q: Do sponsors help with the proposal? A: They may help, but this should be written by you and be about your work, your ideas, and your material.

Q: Any advice for cover letters? A: The cover letter should include: information about yourself, your program, when you can start, your expected PhD date or if you already have a PhD. Also include what you want to work on and how it is relevant to CIRES. This is an opportunity to really motivate your application.

Q: Do transcripts need to be official? A: No, we just need to see that you will be receiving your PhD from an accredited PhD program. Sabbatical applicants do not need to submit transcripts.

Q: What format should I use for the CV? A: It should be in NSF format: 2 Page NSF Template

Q: Any advice for recommendation letters? A: Applicants will enter the contact information for three reference letters into our system, and this can be done early, before the application is complete. Those named will then receive an automated request for a letter in support of your application. Please choose people who have seen you succeed. Please remind them about your achievements, keep them updated on the process and send reminders. Recommendation letters are due one week after the application deadline. If all three are not received, the application will be considered incomplete.

Q: What makes a good proposal? A: Be specific about the problem you want to address. Keep it organized with a clear and testable hypothesis. Remember that your application will be reviewed by a diverse committee who may be unfamiliar with your particular expertise, so it is best to avoid jargon and acronyms. Try to make sure that your proposed research project is achievable, with realistic outcomes for a two-year project. You should motivate the work and show why it is important and needed. Also include how the work meets the mission of the VFP program, CIRES, and/or NOAA. If relevant, describe the potential for development of novel partnerships that could benefit scientific understanding.

Q: Who can I contact for further questions and support?

Q: Do sponsors vary from year to year (because I may want to apply one year or years later)? Can I find someone (or even anyone) who's not on the sponsor list but works in CIRES to be my future sponsor? A: CIRES Fellows and Senior Research Scientists may be VFP sponsors. Additional sponsors may be added each year, but they do not change significantly from year to year. If you would like to work with someone who is not a sponsor – please reach out to them. They may be able to work with a sponsor internally.

Current Visiting Fellows

Past Visiting Fellows

Spotlights on Visiting Fellows

What are the current CIRES Visiting Fellows/CIRES Visiting Fellows Alumni up to now?
