Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

CMC Minutes March 10, 2014

Monday March 10 2014 @ 12:00 pm





12:00 pm

Event Type

Closed to Public

  • CIRES employees
  • Host

    CMC Meeting  03/10/2013


    Members present: Doug Fowler, Joe Olson, Gloria Hicks, Robin Strelow, Anne Perring, Rick Tisinai, Barry Eakins, Kiki Holl, Deann Miller

    Visitors: Lucia Harrop


    Admin – need pics of Anne and Rick.  Advocacy tab – get rid of it or update it? CMC activities – old posting – needs update or remove.  Add tab for 2014 for the minutes. Next month try to get everyone


    Contractors being PI – Waleed was going to talk to NOAA about this, but Doug hasn’t heard anything. Waiting on NOAA legal. Anne- good to keep this on Dave’s radar. 


    Rendezvous – Lornay concerned about getting the abstracts in. Rick will continue to talk to Visiting Fellows and their supervisors about their requirement to do a poster for Rendezvous.

    Abstract call will happen this week. They are due April 2.  Linda sent email to Rick re: the program etc.  Katie will be helping us with part of the program.


    Awards Committee: Had really good candidates.  The CMC will now look at the finalists’ information and let OPA committee know if we have any objections.  We have 3 good service selections, and Waleed has agreed to up the service awards to 3. Nominator appeal is the week after.  Hopefully, by March 24, final decisions.  Barry – how does a nominator get feedback re: their nominee?  They don’t.  after Rendezvous, team will re-work the web site, including examples.


    Supervisory  Committee – Doug and some committee members have appt. with Waleed on the 4th of Apr. to discuss the report. Barry will have a personal example of the problem of supervisors. In Barry’s group, they ramp up new people to take on supervisory positions.  New person Paula Robinson to take Jon Rush’s place – from NCAR.  She is mentoring with Jon.


    Telecommuting –  Doug still needs to set up something with Jon/Paula to discuss. 

    Rick – has the updated federal telecommuting policy.  We can work up an agreement with ~4 people (Waleed?, Lab Supervisor, your Fed & CIRES supervisors) to agree on your telecommuting.  We can’t make a uniform policy across CIRES.  They are talking about removing the clause banning telecommuting (Koni’s clause).  NOAA also has a clause for ad hoc telecommuting, don’t need lab supervisor agreement.  Rick will talk to Waleed (Paula/Jon).  One problem is who will supervisor that the work is being done.  Making it a level playing field might be a problem.  One of the sticking point, for some groups, outside access is limited to a certain number, which limits how many people can actually access network.

    Lucia would like to see a push for more flexibility.  Meet the modern needs of the world.

    New Members – Rick has been trying to recruit new members from the NOAA divisions. Talked to one person, and she is only 50/50 about becoming a member.