CSTPR Noontime Seminar
12:00 pm - 1:00 pmMDT
Open to Public
Toxic Swaggers and the Case for Ecological Masculinities: A Talk about Men, Masculinities and Earth
by Paul Pulé, Science, Technology and Society, Chalmers University
Let's call a spade a spade. Business-as-usual is killing us and myriad other living things on Earth. In the recent book, Ecological Masculinities: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Guidance, Paul Pulé and Martin Hultman consider the compounding social and environmental consequences of Global Northern dominance, white supremacy, ethnocentrism, right-wing populism, climate change denial, homo/queer/trans-phobia, and misogyny. Drawing from critical studies on men and masculinities, deep ecology, ecological feminism, and care theory, they argue that these forms of violence are common expressions of masculine socialisations that are lacerating people and planet. At this talk, Paul Pulé will expose the toxic swagger of what Pulé and Hultman refer to as "industrial/breadwinner" masculinities. Pulé also notes the tepid social and ecological gains of "ecomodern" masculinities.He will then proceed to discuss a third path forward that they call "ecological masculinities." Ecological masculinities is an Earth-inspired response to the limits of our times. This new way of thinking about men and masculine socialisations points humans in the direction of broader, deeper and wider care for the "glocal commons." In this sense, ecological masculinities is relationally focused, draws from both personal and political perspectives, and guides humanity and the planet towards a deep green future.
Paul Pulé holds a PhD examining transitions from hegemonisation to ecologisation in modern Western men and masculinities. He is both activist and scholar, having more than 20 years of experience mentoring boys and men towards broader, deeper and wider caring masculinities while teaching on the subject at senior university levels as well. These days, he works primarily with cogendered groups both on and off campus in support of the caring masculinities in us all. He is currently post-doctoral research fellow at Science, Technology and Society at Chalmers University of Technology in Sweden and is co-author of a groundbreaking university textbook titled: Ecological Masculinities: Theoretical Foundations and Practical Guidance.