***This is a BETA release of the PET 2.5. There are probably bugs!! Please report them to Ingrid at ulbrich@colorado.edu. Rhe PMF execution panel (Step 1) now has tabs: Prep, Run, and Advanced. Prep doesn't work yet, but Run and Advanced should be fully operational. You now provide your amus and t_series waves before running so that the PET can calculate all of the diurnal and residual stats after calculating PMF results. This should make updating the solutions faster (especially for large datasets). ------------------------- PMF_Exectution_v2.05_BETA 22 Mar 2012 Changes made by Ingrid Ulbrich to do some feature updates. All changes made start with comment //imu2.05 in Execution.ipf: updated batch files so that PMF and exeriment can be on different drives changed ams_pmf_deleteNaNs_mxWvs to take an optional text wave (intended for HR data) removed almost all /D flags to save memory (only thing still /D is t_series) added check for 0 or negative values in error matrix added time averages for monthly, day-of-week, and weekday-weekend to diurnals calculate all time averages after executing PMF and save (should speed up panel updates) calculate scaled residual box/whisker after executing PMF and save (should speed up panel updates) ------------------------- PMF_ViewResults_v2.05 22 Mar 2012 Changes made by Ingrid Ulbrich to do some feature updates. All changes made start with comment //imu2.05 in ViewResults.ipf: made function to calculate axis positions (returns complex with real=bottom, cmpx = top) removed all /D flags to save memory added time average pulldown menu to choose diurnal, monthl, day-of-week, weekday-weekend updated diurnal calculation to take box/whisker/avg from completed caluclations (see Execution) updated scaledResidual box/whisker calculations to take box/whisker/avg from completed caluclations (see Execution) no longer calculate full solution reconstruction; only calculate reconstruction and scaled residuals for the selected m/z ------------------------- PMF_Scatter_v2.05 22 Mar 2012 No changes since v2.04