The Environmental Technology Laboratory tomography anonymous ftp site is now at ftp://FTP.ETL.NOAA.GOV/et1/tomography
(formerly ftp://FTP.ETL.NOAA.GOV/pub/et1/tomography)
(formerly ftp://WWW1.ETL.NOAA.GOV/pub/tomography)
(formerly ftp://POOH.ETL.NOAA.GOV/pub/et1/tomography).

Our inversion programs for performing nonperturbative tomographic inversions are explained in our tomography publications, and our ray tracing programs that can be used to simulate tomographic measurements are explained in our ray tracing publications. Additional documentation is available at /tomography/

For more information about the tomography programs or to report difficulty in accessing the web site, contact Michael Jones at 303-492-3845. To report difficulty in accessing the FTP.ETL.NOAA.GOV/et1/ web site, contact Rusty Jesse at 303-497-5863.