
CEEE supports K-12 educators, college instructors and out-of-school, informal educators in their teaching  by providing free, high-quality peer-reviewed and classroom-ready lesson plans, activities, and other learning materials. CEEE offers virtual and in-person professional development as well as professional development and graduate credit.


Resource Library

Check out our collection of free, high-quality lesson plans, activities, Earth Science videos and collection of Personal Narratives (stories recorded by students and community members about environmental topics).

Lesson Plans and Activities

Browse our collection of lesson plans, curriculum, activities, virtual tours, Data Puzzles and much more. 

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Earth Science Videos

Explore a collection of instructional and educational videos about various environmental and earth science topics.

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Personal Narratives

Dive into stories about water, drought, climate topics and learn from the perspectives of community members and students.

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Professional Learning

Explore our collection of professional learning resources, trainings and webinar recordings.

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Ongoing Events

Ongoing Event

Water in the Western US

A self-paced, free, online course exploring water and climate in the western United States.

Featured Programs and Projects for Educators

A false color globe.
Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network (CLEAN)

A collection of 900+ free, peer-reviewed climate and energy educational resources and support for educators

  • Educators
Scientists coring sea ice - credit Marcel Nicolaus
Data Puzzles

Innovative lessons that combine classroom-friendly datasets with the research-backed instructional practices of Ambitious Science Teaching to support students in making sense of science phenomena

  • Educators
  • Scientists
large bolt of lightning across night sky

Action-oriented curriculum that engages middle and high school students in Colorado to investigate wildfire, flood, or drought risk in their hometown and inspire action to increase resilience

  • Educators
  • Students
  • Public
SOS logo
Science On a Sphere (SOS)

Room-sized, global display system created by NOAA that uses computers and video projectors to display planetary data onto a six-foot diameter sphere, analogous to a giant animated globe

  • Educators
  • Scientists
  • Students
  • Public

Professional Learning

Explore our collection of recorded online trainings and webinars, asynchronous courses and training materials.

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

Get involved and stay up-to-date with CIRES CEEE.

CEEE Contact
Phone: 303-492-5670
Fax: 303-735-3644


CIRES Center for Education, Engagement and Evaluation
University of Colorado Boulder
488 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0449

CEEE Office Hours

8:00 am to 5:00 pm MT -- fall and spring semesters