Our Team


photo of Photo Anne Gold

Anne U. Gold

  • Director Center for Education, Engagement and Evaluation
photo of Pennycook headshot - she is smiling with brown hair and brown eyes. She is wearing a suit and pink top. There are mountains in the background

Daniela Pennycook

  • Communication Coordinator and Program Integrator


photo of Katie Boyd

Katie Boyd

  • CEEE Associate
  • CLEAN Program Manager
  • Evaluation & Educational Research
photo of Patrick Chandler photo

Patrick Chandler

  • CEEE Associate
  • CLEAN Team Education Specialist
photo of Alicia Christensen

Alicia Christensen

  • CEEE Associate
  • RECCS Program Manager
photo of Mariama headshot

Mariama Dryák-Vallies

  • Director for the Polar Science Early Career Community Office
photo of Gina Fiorile-Desranleau Headshot

Gina Fiorile-Desranleau

  • CLEAN Program and Communication Coordinator
photo of Jon Griffith

Jonathan Griffith

  • CEEE Associate
  • Curriculum Developer
photo of Education & Outreach Associate Educational Researcher

Megan Littrell

  • CEEE Associate
  • Educational Researcher
photo of Ami Nacu-Schmidt

Ami Nacu-Schmidt

  • Marketing Communications Specialist
photo of Tory Nau Photo

Tory Nau

  • We are Water Program Manager
photo of Lianna Nixon on MOSAiC

Lianna Nixon

  • Photojournalist
  • Documentary Filmmaker
photo of Naomi Ochwat

Naomi Ochwat

  • CEEE Assistant
photo of Christine Okochi photo

Christine Okochi

  • CEEE Associate
  • Program Evaluator
photo of Alexandra smiling outdoors

Alexandra Padilla

  • Research Associate
  • FieldSafe Program Manager
photo of Karla Pineda Velez

Karla Pineda Velez

  • Professional Research Assistant
photo of Katya

Katya Schloesser

  • CEEE Associate
  • Curriculum Developer
photo of Alyse Headshot

Alyse Thurber

  • CEEE Associate
  • QGreenland Curriculum Developer
photo of Emily Ward Profile Image

Emily Ward

  • Research Associate
  • Curriculum Developer, Evaluator, and Educational Researcher
photo of Chelsea Zaniboni Headshot

Chelsea Zaniboni

  • Girls on Rock Program Coordinator
  • CEEE Associate

Science On a Sphere

photo of Beth Russell headshot

Beth Russell

  • Senior Program Coordinator for NOAA's Science On a Sphere
photo of Adrian Chase with VR headset on forehead

Adrian Chase

  • Software and 3D Visualization Developer for NOAA's Science On a Sphere
photo of Photo of Shilpi smiling

Shilpi Gupta

  • Technical Lead & Senior Software Engineer for NOAA's Science On a Sphere
photo of Alex Kirst headshot

Alex Kirst

  • Software Developer and Customer Support Specialist for NOAA’s Science On a Sphere
photo of Headshot of Hilary Peddicord smiling, she is outside on a wooden bench with a tree behind her

Hilary Peddicord

  • Education Lead for NOAA's Science On a Sphere and SOS Explorer


photo of Yazelyn Benitez photo

Yazi Benitez

  • Undergraduate Student Assistant
photo of Jack Ciulla Photo

Jack Ciulla

  • Undergraduate Student Assistant
photo of Photo of Natalie

Natalie Clarke

  • Undergraduate Student Assistant
photo of Amy Dunbar-Wallis

Amy Dunbar-Wallis

  • Graduate Student
photo of Keith Griffin

Keith Griffin

  • Graduate Student
photo of Anna LaSusa photo

Anna LaSusa

  • Undergraduate Student Assistant
photo of This is a picture of Karla in front of an airplane

Karla Lemus

  • Undergraduate Student Assistant
photo of Kevin headshot with him smiling

Kevin Olivas Ordonez

  • Recent Graduate (B.A.)
photo of Brynn Paulsen

Brynn Paulsen

  • Graduate Student
photo of Jacob Petro Photo

Jacob Petro

  • Undergraduate Student Assistant
photo of Mikaela Williams

Mikaela Williams

  • Recent Graduate (B.S.)


photo of Headshot of Bec Batchelor.

Bec Batchelor

  • CEEE Associate
photo of photo of Erin

Erin Leckey

  • CEEE Associate
  • Scientist
photo of Ryan Vachon

Ryan Vachon

  • CEEE Associate
Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

Get involved and stay up-to-date with CIRES CEEE.

CEEE Contact

Phone: 303-492-5670
Fax: 303-735-3644


CIRES Center for Education, Engagement and Evaluation
University of Colorado Boulder
488 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0449

CEEE Office Hours

8:00 am to 5:00 pm MT -- fall and spring semesters