LOCC Film Screening

This public film screening will be held in the gymnasium of Longfellow Elementary School (enter through main entrance) on Saturday at 2pm.

Film screening will showcase films from the LOCC at Salida Workshop #2: a week-long filmmaking workshop for students in the Salida area to explore climate-related issues and create a film about changes impacting their communities

LOCC workshop at CU

Workshop #3: a week-long filmmaking workshop for students in the I Have A Dream program to explore climate-related issues and create a film about changes impacting their communities

LOCC Film Screening

This public screening event will be held in the ATLAS building on the CU campus in room 100 at 2pm.

Film screening will showcase films from the LOCC at CU Workshop #3: a week-long filmmaking workshop for students in the I Have A Dream program to explore climate-related issues and create a film about changes impacting their communities

Get Started Guide webinar hosted by the Climate Literacy and Energy Awareness Network

Want to know how to build climate and energy units using CLEAN resources? Join in for an introduction to the lesson planning materials and ready-to-use classroom units to get you started. 

CLEAN & NGSS Webinar

Get insight on how the CLEAN collection resources are aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) and how CLEAN supports 3-dimensional learning. Learn how to search the CLEAN collection by NGSS climate and energy topics and at-a-glance standards tables.

2017 AGU Fall Meeting

Anne U GoldUsing the CLEAN Educational Resource Collection

Friday, 15 December 2017 10:35 - 10:50 (ED41C-01)



Erin Leckey: Storytelling and Technology Combine to Create Student Engagement

Thursday, 14 December 2017 08:00 - 08:15 (ED52A-02)


Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network Office Hours

Have a question about using CLEAN in your classroom or curriculum? Drop by this open-question forum to get 1-on-1 help using the wide-range of CLEAN climate and energy educational resources and other supporting materials on the CLEAN portal.

Joint Mathematics Meeting

Poster presentation at the Joint Mathematics Meeting annual conference about the results from the UTMOST project--the education research study and the online textbook creation and enhancement work using MathBook XML in collaboration with the American Institute of Mathematics’ Open Textbook Initiative.

Trout Bowl

The Trout Bowl is the Colorado regional competition for the National Ocean Sciences Bowl. This academic competition will have 20 teams from Colorado and Texas, and 40-50 volunteers from CIRES, CU, NOAA, and the public at large. 

CLEAN Webinar 1: Intro to CLEAN

Take a guided tour of the CLEAN portal. Learn about the CLEAN collection of over 700 climate and energy educational resources that include data-based activities, demonstrations and experiments, videos, and visualizations. Plus, learn about the range of supporting materials on the CLEAN website that help you accurately teach about climate and energy topics.

Illustration of two people high-fiving in a work environment

Get involved and stay up-to-date with CIRES CEEE.

CEEE Contact

Phone: 303-492-5670
Fax: 303-735-3644


CIRES Center for Education, Engagement and Evaluation
University of Colorado Boulder
488 UCB
Boulder, CO 80309-0449

CEEE Office Hours

8:00 am to 5:00 pm MT -- fall and spring semesters