Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

2021 Annual Summary of Accomplishments Training

Monday April 12 2021 @ 10:00 am
to 11:00 am





10:00 am - 11:00 am

Event Type

Closed to Public

  • CIRES employees
  • Host

    Please join Lucia Harrop, CIRES Admin, and the CIRES HR team for training on the Annual Summary of Accomplishments (ASA) Monday, April 12 from 10-11am, for CU Boulder campus-based employees.
    The ASA is a yearly requirement for most CIRES employees and their supervisors. This training will provide an overview of the CIRES ASA process and timelines, and will also cover changes from last year. Particularly relevant for new hires, or those who are new to supervisory roles. Science advisor input is also very helpful in this process, and federal partners are welcome to attend the overview.
    Angela Knight, CIRES HR Director and Christine Wiedinmyer, CIRES Associate Director for Science, will be available to answer any questions you may have.
    Join via Zoom, or phone one-tap: US:  +13462487799,,92901998573# or +16699006833,,92901998573#
    **Note: A separate session will be held Monday, April 5 from 10-11am, for employees embedded at the NOAA labs. Both sessions will also be recorded and posted to insideCIRES for those who can't make it.