Building your mentor network
12:30 pm - 2:00 pm
Please join CGA members and Christine Wiedinmyer for our first Hidden Curricuculm seminar in the series to discuss building your network of mentors!
The Hidden Curriculum seminars were developed by Amanda Donaldson, Galen Gorski, Colleen Murphy, Jenny Pensky, Adam Price, Christina Richardson, Araceli Serrano, and Margaret Zimmer* because much of the graduate school experience is focused on tangible and formal skill development surrounding research and teaching. These seminars focuses on the informal “hidden curriculum” in graduate school that can complement formal student learning to help individuals lead successful research careers.
The first seminar of this series will focus on how to build your network of mentors, lead by CIRES' own, Christine Wiedinmyer. She will discuss how to find and pick mentors in order to build the best supportive network.
Please join us on Thursday February 17th @12:30 - 2 pm on zoom to hear some tips and ask your own questions. RSVP here by Wednesday at 11:59 pm MST in order to receive the zoom link on Thursday morning.
* Source:
Zimmer, M., A. Donaldson, G. Gorski, C. Murphy, J. Pensky, A. Price, C. Richardson, A. Serrano (2021). Hidden curriculum in the geosciences graduate course, HydroShare,
Important resources mentioned during the event:
Writing support + Professional development opportunities through the Graduate School:…
CU Student + postdoctoral services:
National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (activate your membership here):…
Graduate student process therapy groups through CU (included in CU Gold plan):
Faculty & staff counseling services:
Confidential reporting services: &
Graduate student/advisor mentoring agreement:…