Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

CIRES' IRP Poster Session and Reception

Thursday November 16 2017 @ 4:30 pm





4:30 pm

Event Type
Annual Event

Closed to Public

  • CIRES employees
  • CU Boulder employees
  • NOAA employees
  • Science collaborators
  • Host

    The reception will feature the research results of the 2016 IRP winners, listed below. Light refreshments and beverages will be served.
    The Innovative Research Program (IRP) is an internal CIRES competition designed to stimulate a creative research environment within CIRES and to encourage synergy between disciplines and research colleagues. The program encourages novel, unconventional or fundamental research that might otherwise be difficult to fund. CIRES-wide competitions are conducted each year to foster an innovative research environment where risk taking is allowed and even encouraged.

    IRP Recipients:
    Discerning heat from melt from composition in the deep earth: Exploring a new approach to measuring seismic attenuation
    Investigator: Craig Jones
    Is melt water responsible for new crevasses in Greenland’s interior?
    Investigators: Lora Koenig and Michael MacFerrin
    Heterogeneous Photo-Initiated Chemistry of Alkyl Organics in the Earth’s Atmosphere
    Investigator: Veronica Vaida
    Are there diamonds in the sky? Detection of diamondoid and other large hydrocarbons in the atmosphere
    Investigators: Carsten Warneke, Joost de Gouw, Brian Lerner, and Abigail Koss
    HOVERCAT: A Novel Aerial System to Evaluate Aerosol Chemistry and its Impacts on Arctic Clouds
    Investigators: Jessie Creamean and Margaret Tolbert
    Demonstration of a high-signal soft-ionization quantitative method for online aerosol mass spectrometry
    Investigator: Jose-Luiz Jimenez
    Investigating the Ionospheric Gravity and Pressure Gradient Current Systems with Satellite Magnetic Measurements
    Investigator: Henry Patrick Alken