CMC Meeting July 18, 2016
12:00 pm
Closed to Public
CMC Meeting July 18th, 2016
Fellows Room
In attendance: Allen Pope (NSIDC), Chance Sterling (GML), Robin Strelow (CIRES COMMS), Rick Tisinai (CSL), Carrie Morrill (NCEI), Anne Perring (CSL), Robin Moser (CSTPR), Nate Campbell (CIRES IT), Christina Holt (GSL), Guest: Mistia Zuckerman (NSIDC)
Ate lunch first!
Meeting started at 12:07pm
Christina presided remotely via Skype
Mistia (NSIDC) is a new possible CMC member! The group introduced themselves.
Supervisor review proposal:
This is the concern to be able to evaluate CIRES supervisors. At last meeting, we decided to send a document over to CIRES Admin. Christina spoke with Nate and that CIRES IT can construct a survey for the supervisor’s supervisor to receive from the membership. The anonymous aspect might be difficult if there are very few (or only one) CIRES members on the supervisor’s overview.
A document needs to be made and reviewed by the CMC. Nate suggested that the CMC provide recommended questions to CIRES Admin to give them something to start with.
If this is to be required for all ASAs, it needs to be fair and concise. Robin asked if it would have radio buttons and an “additional comments” sections. Rick suggested that the first question could ask if the member works at all with their CIRES supervisor, if so, it moves forward.
Christina asked if there is a list or job description for CIRES supervisors?
Allen brought up the current page and will send the link to the CMC. From this we can construct the main questions for the survey.
The follow up questions could be “is your supervisor approachable?”
For the current CMC members that are supervisors, might we confer with them? Nate suggested that we not do that, just send the CMC-approved sample to CIRES Admin. Christina still suggested that we pass this along to some supervisors?
The radio buttons could show the standard requirements of the supervisor as well as the CIRES member for everyone to be able to start judging the criteria.
OPA update: Anne described that there are small pieces of situations that can make it difficult to arrive at choices for the awards. With all of the fixes, there are still some holes.
Anne described the current process.
The difficult part is for Service awards that don’t directly adhere to CIRES’ mission. Such as the person who has run the CIRES trash cleanup which was community services or outreach.
One consideration is to open the OPA nomination process throughout the year, except for the timeout period before Rendezvous.
Christina said that Carrie Bell, Craig H, herself were currently interested on being on the OPA legacy committee.
Chance asked if the review committee might be on the new OPA committee? Mimi might be on the OPA committee since the other Carrie is now a Fed.
Anne described the OPA committee tasks, web site, etc. she will not be allowed to be a part of the OPA committee. Many CMC members will be leaving soon, so a qualified person to run the committee is not readily apparent.
A vote was taken to decide to form the OPA by-laws committee.
Unanimous YES
An email message will be sent to all of the CMC members to gather a group of people interested in this committee. Carrie Bell will be on the committee with Christina.
Christina and Anne will meet with Waleed on Aug. 1st
CIRES Review: Lucia provided updated info for the Review (Aug. 29th) and who could help. Nate said there will be a general invitation sent out later.
Other business:
Allen brought up a situation at NSIDC where a person uses a CIRES computer from another country. Can they get an IdentiKey?
Nate said there is “Person Of Interest” (POI) that should let them have access. Part of the problem is that the IdentiKey is tied to their Social Security number or Passport. If a person from outside the country does not have this, there is no current way to get them an IdentiKey. Robin M said that if a foreign national can get a passport or temporary Social security number.
Nate will look into this since it has been an ongoing discussion.
Nate can also add guests to the “eduroam” or CU guest wireless.
Chance said that an attendance rule the Operation Guidelines to be able to ask a scientist to find a replacement. Currently 25% missed meetings is under consideration.
Christina said that anything around 50% is questionable. Allen agreed. Nate will make certain that the CMC chairperson has access to the CMC web page for meeting announcements and updates. (
Nate and Christina tested the site and currently she does not have access. She requested that Anne and Rick also have access.
By-Laws Committee:
Rick: the By-Laws are done and the documents will be shared though the new Google docs
Meeting adjourned at 1:18pm