CMC Minutes Jan. 15, 2016
12:00 pm
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CMC meeting minutes
Jan. 11th, 2016
In attendance: Anne Perring (CSL) – presiding, Carrie Morrill, Mimi Hughes (PSL), Michele Cash (SWPC), Amy Steiker (NSIDC), Chuck Eubank (guest from CSL), Craig Hartsough (GSL), Rick Tisinai (CSL), Nathan Campbell (CIRES IT), Matthew Price (guest from CIRES IT), Kathleen Lantz (GML), David Kingsmill (guest from PSL), Amanda Morton (CIRES) – via Skype
Pizza delivered!
Attendance for Feb. meeting – picture session for new group and Rendezvous program
Director’s Award
Rendezvous – Director’s award or not? Waleed needs to decide for the web site.
Nate – Rendezvous web ready by February 1st.
OPA recommendations due in February
Rick – can CMC bring structure to the Director’s award process? Who gets one?
Kathy – define eligibility!
Rick - CMC can deliver the updated criteria and web site for Waleed to judge
Anne – still needs to be accepted by Waleed
Kathy – could it be derived from the OPA as one award that is just outside the OPA criteria?
Nate – not enough time to fulfill the new criteria, so perhaps going with the OPA “extra” criteria
Mimi – will this provide enough time for Waleed to decide – Anne and Nate said yes.
Anne – would the award be even better that the OPAs?
Anne and Nate discussed details of the Rendezvous web site
Director’s Town Hall Visit
Anne encouraged everyone to attend the Town Hall visits!
Rick – did Waleed make to East Campus? Amy verified that he was there in November.
CIRES PIs issue
A couple of bits of movement – Mimi said there is a stay on some of the agreements for PSL
Kathy – question to Mimi: will PSL reverse the decision to not allow CIRES members to be PIs?
Mimi – so far the director has discretion, so there is no change.
David Kingsmill – from the ESRL level, money flow doesn’t go from CIRES to NOAA for CIRES PIs so it is subject to audit. He mentioned that the former ETL was caught doing some things incorrectly several years ago.
Mimi – there was a meeting with Waleed last week and they will try to iron out an agreement.
Anne – it started with CSL having this struggle.
Kathy – she has been writing her own proposals for a long time, and the GML director has approved them.
Anne - the CIRES people may be “harmonized” to a lower level!
David Kingsmill – this is not a new topic and finally being addressed
Membership Chairperson plans - Chance not here, so it will be pushed to the next meeting
Carrie – supervisor training materials for new supervisors? Nate will contact Paula Robinson to have the training placed online. CIRES IT will have that sort of stuff on the new InsideCIRES site.
Also, access to previous years’ ASAs: there a place for that? Nate - the ASAs were not always digital. Discussion to ask for the old assessment to be included.
Nate – there are 22 CIRES IT projects , so this may not be something that can be addressed soon. It might be accommodated later. Nate will bring back any news of this request to the Feb meeting.
Rendezvous Skype session with Amanda
Rendezvous update – Robin described “draw your science” just like AGU. Spur of the moment idea to encourage collaboration.
Amy – will there be enough time to do this? Will this take too much time away from the regular poster session? It will need to be advertised! Excess paper…other logistics…
There is a consideration to have a live stream of each room, esp. room 235
“Poster Bingo” – to get people moving from room to room! Since the groups are color-coded, they can have a Bingo card to fill in the groups visited by color.
There was a suggestion to abolish the division separation, and Nate said the CGA separation was not well received
Anne – what would be the prize? Amanda - depends upon approval, so they are looking into some sort of physical award. Kathy – Starbucks cards!
Nate - Division directors are supposed to approve the posters which is not consistent. It has gone from blanket approval to no approval. Can the Rendezvous committee go with “no comment equals approval.”
The CMC unanimously voted to go with a deadline for CIRES Division Directors to refuse any poster, otherwise it will be approved by default.
Again, next meeting, we’ll have a new CMC photo for the Rendezvous program!
Addition comments or questions
Rick – can CMC get a copy of the Rendezvous process list?