Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

January CMC Meeting

Wednesday January 17 2018 @ 12:00 pm
to 2:00 pm





12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Event Type

Closed to Public

  • CIRES employees
  • Host


    Mimi Hughes, CMC chair (PSL), Mistia Zuckerman, secretary (NSIDC), Lucia Harrop (CIRES Admin/ESRL), Michael Toy (GSL), Eric James (GSL), Brandi McCarty (CSL), Alessandro Franchin (CSL), Carrie Morrill (NCEI), Kathy Lantz (GML), Jonathan Kofler (GML), Antonietta Capotondi (PSL), Michael Buvek (ex-SWPC), Robin Moser (CIRES admin), Patrick Veres (CSL), Carrie Wall (NCEI), 


    12:10pm - The meeting was called to order. 


    Robin will attend the executive meetings and Antonietta Capotondi will attend the Fellows Meetings.  Mimi explained that we need to identify alternatives.  Motion to approve Kathy as co chair and Alessandro being the alternate.  Motion was approved.  

    Motion: To make Kathy Lantz of GML as co-chair and Alessandro being the alternate.

    The motion was approved unanimously.  

    Outstanding performance awards (OPA)

    Outstanding performance awards were explained. There is a desire to include different clusters on the OPA committee. Currently, SWPC and NCEI are represented. Looking for suggestions for non-CMC members to join the committee.  The time commitment involves reviewing nominations (service & science engineering categories) and a 3-hour meeting to discuss the top candidates.  Jon Kofler volunteered to represent GML.  

    Diversity and Inclusion

    Mimi explained that Susan Sullivan is starting a working group for a workplace culture survey and is looking for committee members.  The committee would meet a few times to review possible questions.  Let Mimi know by the end of the week if you are interested. 

    CIRES bikes

    Mistia Zuckerman and Lucia Harrop explained that of the four CIRES bikes, there is never a demand to check out two at one time, but there are many requests from visitors to use bikes for while they are here, and especially over the summer.  Rather than have the bikes sit unused, Mistia and Lucia would rather the bikes be made available for visitors.  

    Motion: To make a CIRES bike at each location (NSIDC and DSRC) available for long-term loan (limited to 3 months).

    The motion was approved unanimously.  

    Sending notifications of CMC Meetings

    Mimi inquired which clusters sent out notifications of the meetings.  Mimi is concerned about Main Campus and East Campus.  

    PSD – Antonietta

    CSD – Alessandro/Chelsea

    GSD – Eric

    GMD – Jon

    NCEI – Carrie M.

    Main and East – Robin

    NSIDC – Mistia

    SWPS – Eric

    Mentoring Program

    Christine Weidinmeyer is interested in starting up a mentoring program.  Mimi asked for feedback about what the program might look like.  So far, it would be a mentor-matching program re. what type of mentoring you would like (it might be very specific).  You could sign up as both a mentor or a mentee. Should it be across all of CIRES or separate pools of people for on-campus and DSRC?  Response: better across CIRES.  NIST has a mentoring program that is more like a suggestion. CU already has mentoring programs for young women (CU Women Succeeding), etc.  Suggested that CIRES look at these programs as resources.  Is CIRES big enough to warrant having its own mentoring program? Discussion ensued regarding how to let new CIRES employees know about CIRES resources and the onboarding process.  


    Motion: To approve CIRES bylaws.  

    The motion was approved unanimously.  


    1:48pm – entered CIRES executive session to discuss Executive and Fellows Meetings

    Executive and Fellows Meetings 

    Robin reported on the executive committee. Mimi suggested that we bring it up in more detail at the next meeting (agenda item).  


    1:53pm – meeting adjourned