Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

March CMC Meeting

Monday March 12 2018 @ 12:00 pm
to 2:00 pm





12:00 pm - 2:00 pm

Event Type

Closed to Public

  • CIRES employees
  • Host


    Mimi Hughes, CMC chair (PSL), Lucia Harrop (CIRES Admin/ESRL), Eric Adamson (SWPC), Ale Franchin (CSL), Nate Campbell (CIRES IT), Mike Toy (GSL), Eric James (GSL), Carrie Morrill (NCEI), Antonietta Capotondi (PSL), Kathy Lantz (GML), Carrie Wall (NCEI), Jon Kofler (GML).

    Visitors were introduced: Gretchen Richard (current head of CIRES finance), Susan Sullivan (diversity), Andrew Badger (CIRES researcher on campus), and David Stone (SWPC).

    12:09 pm – The meeting was called to order.  


    Did we decide at the January meeting that Ale would be the alternate for the Executive and Fellows committees?  Yes. Mimi suggests Ale should try to go to at least one meeting this year.

    Spouse Visa Issue

    Ale gave an update on a topic that came up at the last meeting.  For CIRES researchers with J1 visas with spouses on a J2 visa, there is a lag of time in approval of the visa, and spouses can lose their jobs.  Suggestions from CIRES: make sure everyone who is in this category knows who to call. Make sure there is something in the work permit for the visa renewal process.  Turn in J1s three months in advance, to reduce the lag time. Does CMC want to take up this issue? Gretchen: Rhonda Miller is going to be focusing exclusively on visas.  Discussion on the role CMC should take on this issue. Mimi suggests that Ale should write up all these details, and then Mimi and Kathy will take it to Christine Wiedinmyer and Heather Davis.  

    Diversity and Inclusion

    Susan Sullivan says a CIRES employee has brought up the use of preferred-gender pronouns (e.g., she, he, they, or xi) at the CIRES Rendezvous.  She suggested that this is becoming more common in different groups, including the American Astronomical Society. Apparently there are several ways to do it.  Possibly we could have a space to write in the pronoun each person prefers on the Rendezvous name tags. Mimi: Do we want to have something about this in the Rendezvous presentation?  Or at the Rendezvous registration table? Communication on the topic prior to Rendezvous would be important.

    Motion: To have some way to communicate preferred pronouns on the name badges for Rendezvous.

    The motion was approved unanimously.

    Motion: To have some kind of diversion/inclusion portion in the Rendezvous presentation?

    The motion was approved unanimously.

    OPA eligibility

    We should consider whether we want people who have recently left CIRES to be included on awards (although obviously not getting cash awards).  And should we try to distinguish projects from people? The way the award is worded, it suggests performance of a person, or a few people. But some groups have research that is very project-oriented.  Perhaps we should just limit the number of people who can be included on the award? There are concerns about not excluding excellent teams that are large. Several options were discussed, but we settled on having wording requesting information on the contributions of each individual team member for larger awards.   

    Motion: To have a threshold team size where we would require descriptions of contributions by each individual for eligibility for the OPA.

    The motion was approved.

    Motion: To approve this wording for the OPA: For teams greater than 3 people, a statement on the contributions of each individual person is required.

    The motion was approved.

    1:50 pm – meeting adjourned