Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

McMurdo Speaker Series: Antarctica, Space, Lasers (Oh my!): Intro to Upper Atmosphere

Tuesday November 8 2022 @ 1:00 pm
to 1:45 pm





1:00 pm - 1:45 pmMST

Event Type

Open to Public

  • General Public
  • Host

    Join McMurdo scientist, Yingfei Chen, from McMurdo Antarctica for a 10-15 minute lesson on an Introduction to the Upper Atmosphere followed by a Q&A. Join live with your classroom on camera and ask your questions directly to Yingfei and his colleagues. 
    Register for the link:
    More information about CIRES Education & Outreach's Science Show & Share:
    Introduction to the Upper Atmosphere 

    What and where is the upper atmosphere? 
    Why do we want to study the upper atmosphere? 
    What are we studying in the upper atmosphere? 
    What are we studying in the upper atmosphere? 
    How do we study the upper atmosphere? 
    What is LIDAR (light detection and ranging)? Check out our instrument!

    About the Speaker - Yingfei Chen

    Yingfei Chen is a Ph.D. student in Aerospace Engineering Sciences at the University of Colorado Boulder who works with CIRES fellow Dr. Xinzhao Chu. His research uses lidar technologies to observe the middle and upper atmosphere from Boulder, Colorado, with a focus on thermosphere-ionosphere Na (TINa) layers. He and Dr. Chu worked together and made the first discovery of the regular occurrence of TINa layers in the world. His work earned him second authorship in a Geophysical Research Letters paper published during the first year of his Ph.D. program, and he will soon be submitting another paper to the Geophysical Research Letters as first author.