NSIDC Cryosphere Seminar
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Open to Public
Arctic Arts: A Voice for Science with Kerry Koepping and Andrea Sparrow
The Arctic Arts Project is a team of visual communicators. Through spectacular imagery in film and photography, we document the science of our changing planet, interpreting scientific data to give the public an opportunity to understand how climate change is altering the earth’s systems, and to see what that looks like. We travel to the Arctic most frequently as the pace of change there is so significant and happening so quickly. We also focus on solutions and adaptations at every opportunity, to help people avoid a sense of despair and helplessness. Our job is to bring the current science to life, giving it a visual voice and compelling context.
Find out about the Arctic Arts Project and our team of visual communicators, scientists and educators at arcticartsproject.com
View Arctic Art's short film Climate Chaos: Ice
"Climate Chaos: Relevance" is a snapshot into the work of the Arctic Arts Team of communicators and their quest to educate the world on the relevance of climate change.
Kerry Koepping - Executive Director of the The Arctic Arts Project and Research Affiliate at the Institute of Arctic and Alpine Research, University of Colorado. Kerry is an internationally acclaimed environmental photographer, visionary, and communicator dedicated to the stewardship of the environment and the Arctic. He is the founder of the non-profit Arctic Arts Project and is dedicated to strengthening environmental sustainability by illuminating environmental problems and issues through the use of science and visual literacy.
Andrea Sparrow, Executive Producer of the The Arctic Arts Project. Traveling the planet has given Andrea a window into the natural world, from the tiniest plants and creatures to the great vistas gained from the air. Andrea is an artist, a scientist and an explorer at heart, driven by a desire to understand and possibly, through her visual communications mediums, help change the trajectory on which we find ourselves.