Supervisor Training Series
10:00 am
Closed to Public
Hiring & Onboarding presented by Blair Perri & Casey Kipple CU HR, Jimena Ugaz, CIRES HR.
Presenters will cover review the posting, interviewing and onboarding processes for CIRES employees, elements of the job description, the requirements of the Equal Pay Act related to compensation, and the functionality of Applicant Tracking System (Avature). Presenters will also address the value of Textio in writing a more inclusive job ad, talk about Skillsurvey as an alternative to letters of recommendation, and discuss the revised CU orientation (the Quick Start program) in light of our remote status. This session will be valuable for both current and future hiring supervisors and search committee members.
Join by Zoom:
**Note: This is the third presentation in a four-part virtual training series, brought to you by CIRES and CU HR. Join us Wednesdays at 10:00 am, starting Feb. 10 and ending Mar. 3 (upcoming dates and topics below). Each 1-hour session will be recorded and posted to the insideCIRES Admin News blog. Appropriate for new and continuing supervisors. Federal partners are welcome to attend.
March 3: Onboarding within the NOAA Cooperative Agreement