WWA Colorado River Basin Climate & Hydrology Webinar
11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Open to Public
Join Western Water Assessment's Jeff Lukas and Liz Payton for an overview of the recently released report, "Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science," followed by Q&A.
The report aims to create a shared understanding of the physical setting and the latest data, tools, and research underpinning the management of Colorado River water resources. With support and guidance from more than a dozen federal, state and local water agencies, the 17-author team led by WWA’s Jeff Lukas and Liz Payton integrated nearly 800 peer-reviewed studies, agency reports and other sources to assess the state of the science and the technical methods relevant to managing water resources in the Colorado River Basin.
Registration required: email wwa@colorado.edu for registration information
Click here to download the report
WWA will post a link to the recorded webinar on the WWA website.