Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Arctic Opportunity for Science Journalists

Multimedia reporters, producers invited to apply

Antarctic researchers studying ice
- Stefan Hendricks/Alfred Wegener Institute

The deadline has passed and an international panel of judges is reviewing applications. Applicants will be notified of selection status in April.

An international team led by the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) is accepting proposals from media and multimedia professionals to report on and contribute to the MOSAiC mission: the Multidisciplinary Drifting Observatory for the Study of Arctic Climate. Those selected will spend approximately six weeks this fall aboard the Russian icebreaker Federov, which will support the German Polarstern on the front end of a 12-month Arctic science mission. Those selected would deploy from mid-September to late October 2019, and 4-6 media and multimedia professionals will be accepted.

Successful applicants will have:

  • A well-documented plan to report clearly and objectively on the importance of this international science mission in the rapidly changing Arctic
  • A demonstrated ability to reach and engage with a broad segment of the general public
  • A willingness and ability to support the broader MOSAiC mission

Overall, MOSAiC is the most comprehensive mission to date to study and understand the dramatic changes in the Arctic climate system and repercussions elsewhere. Polarstern will freeze into Arctic sea ice this fall, and drift with the ice for 12 months, serving as a platform for diverse, inter-disciplinary scientific endeavors. Specific research areas of potential interest to media and multimedia professionals include:

  • How do winds and waves affect sea ice?
  • More broadly: How does energy flow through the Arctic system’s water, ice and atmosphere, through the seasons?
  • What processes guide formation, characteristics and lifetimes of Arctic clouds—including the tendency of those clouds to warm or cool the surface?
  • Can we better predict the impacts of storm systems that can pull warm, moist air into the Arctic or push cold air from the Arctic to lower latitudes?
  • What is the impact of declining Arctic sea ice cover on the carbon cycle, and cycles of other nutrients that are important for the ecosystem?
  • What is the ultimate impact of those regional and nutrient cycle changes on ecosystem biodiversity and productivity?
  • More information:

Application requirements:

  • An excellent reporting proposal demonstrating familiarity with the MOSAiC mission. Applicants are encouraged to reach out to AWI’s Katharina Weiss (media(at) or CIRES’ Katy Human before writing a proposal.
  • A signed commitment from the applicant’s outlet (news network, publisher, etc.) to air or publish stories described in the application, and to pay for travel costs to/from the point of embarkation, likely Tromso, Norway.
    • Freelancers are encouraged to apply but must supply evidence of a firm commitment from an outlet that will publish their work and support travel costs.
  • A plan for supporting the MOSAiC mission in some way: For example, a photographer may commit to donate a daily image for use by MOSAiC social media managers; a writer may commit to a MOSAiC blog post weekly.
  • A plan for supporting the MOSAiC Summerschool on Fedorov: Please learn more about the Summerschool here and plan to develop at least one unit for Summerschool students, on your area of expertise in communications, eg, photography and videography at field sites, scientific blogging, working with science and other journalists, etc.
  • Written commitment to participate in required safety training in the couple of days prior to embarkation to ensure safety of the participant while in the Arctic and while operating around equipment such as helicopters.  Written acknowledgement of the potential logistical restrictions for the mission described below.
  • A letter of recommendation from a source or a colleague who has knowledge of the applicant’s ability to work well in challenging conditions or support a team effort.

Logistical restrictions and conditions include (but may not be limited to):

  • Weather-related delays and cancellations: In general, media and multimedia experts will be able to move between Federov (carrying scientists, students, teachers, and logistical supporters) and Polarstern (where most mission scientists will berth) on helicopter flights—for safety, these are contingent on weather. Some overnight trips to Polarstern or to nearby locations, such as Ice Camp, may be supported.
  • Bandwidth on the ships may be severely limited, preventing real-time coverage unless a participant brings their own satellite phone.
  • This opportunity is meant for individual reporters or a team of two. Larger teams interested in MOSAiC opportunities should contact AWI’s Katharina Weiss (media(at) or CIRES’ Katy Human.
  • The operation of drones may be possible under limited conditions; please include relevant information about your proposed plans, and plan on further discussions with scientific leadership.
  • Medical examination: Potential participants must pass a medical examination to ensure safe participation in Arctic conditions at a location with limited medical facilities. This process entails completion of medical background forms, a full physical examination by your own physician (at your own expense), and review of all results by the AWI medical officer.  Some basic information is posted here, but details may be modified.

How to apply:

Applicants must submit electronically by March 15 via email to

  • A document of less than three pages that describes the story/stories/productions and audience; and planned contributions to the MOSAiC mission. Please include specifically the anticipated impact of the project, including potential benefits to readers/viewers as well as to mission scientists and supporters. Also, include a description of the impact of your proposed project on personnel in the field, including required interviews, proposed access to MOSAiC resources, etc.
  • A signed letter of support and intent-to-publish/air from an outlet and/or from a supervisor
  • Applicants should also plan to set aside time in late March for telephone discussions


March 15, 2019, 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time. All materials must be submitted electronically via


A panel of science and communications staff from AWI and U.S. and other European institutions involved in MOSAiC will review proposals and select finalists. Selection will be based primarily on story/production ideas and the public reach of those productions. Reviewers will favor proposals that cover science and research. Other review considerations may include: The specific support needs of a proposed project, the balance of types of projects, and the geographical reach of audiences.

Selected participants or their employers/sponsors must pay for transportation to and from the point of embarkation. Once onboard Federov, AWI and the broader MOSAiC mission will support all housing, transportation and food. Berths are shared with other participants.

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