Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Thursday, November 3, 2022

COVID-19 is still a ‘dangerous global health threat’

A new CIRES-coauthored international study spells out how we can manage the COVID threat

A sign in New York City urges people to avoid others who are sick.
A sign in New York City urges people to avoid others who are sick. A new study spells out how we can end the pandemic.
- Mike Walter/Unsplash

To end the “persistent and dangerous global health threat” of COVID-19, the world must take a “vaccine-plus” approach, which includes improved indoor air ventilation and filtration, and increased masking, testing and treatment. That’s just one of 57 recommendations included in a new study published today in the journal Nature by 386 multidisciplinary experts from more than 100 countries and territories. 

The authors agreed that there are many immediate and near-term actions that government leaders, businesses and the public can take to end the threat without exacerbating socio-economic burdens or putting the most vulnerable at greater risk. These include cross-disciplinary pandemic preparedness and response, addressing pandemic inequities, rebuilding public trust and combatting false information. 

They were also almost unanimous in their consensus that indoor areas with poor ventilation present the highest risks of transmission.

“Unfortunately, COVID-19 is not yet over,” said Jose-Luis Jimenez, co-author of the study, distinguished professor of chemistry at CU Boulder and CIRES Fellow. “But there are many things we can and should be doing about it here in the U.S. and across the world, and a high priority should be paying attention to and taking action by cleaning our indoor air.”

Story modified from CU Boulder Strategic Relations. Continue reading here.


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