David Harning
Research Scientist II

- PhD, University of Colorado Boulder, 2019
- PhD, University of Iceland, 2019
- BS, Bates College, 2013
Research Interests
I'm a paleoclimatologist who uses geologic records of Earth history to better understand the sensitivity of the Arctic in a warmer, wetter, and human-dominated world. I specialize in using lipid biomarkers and ancient DNA preserved in sediments from lake and marine environments as well as generating modern proxy calibrations to improve our estimates of past climate. I also have strong interests in geochronology, glacier history, and the carbon cycle.
Current Research
NSF OCE-2405185 “Environmental controls on the magnitude of organic carbon burial in Icelandic fjords” 2025-2027, lead PI with Áslaug Geirsdóttir (University of Iceland), Julio Sepúlveda (University of Colorado Boulder), and Gesine Mollenhauer (AWI Bremerhaven)
NSF P2C2-2102949 “Bayesian detection of Holocene abrupt transitions in proxy records and climate model simulations” 2021-2025, PI Carrie Morrill (NOAA)
NSF MGG-2408962 “Benthic biomarker preservation: Proxy development for improving climate reconstructions” 2024-2026, PI Allison Jacobel (Middlebury College)
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CECA connects and creates a supportive environment for graduate students and postdocs who come from various academic units to do research in CIRES.