Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

Ethan Knight


WWA Associate Scientist

Headshot of Ethan Knight
  • BA in Environmental Studies, Minor in Geography, University of Colorado Boulder, 2020
Affiliated Department
Western Water Assessment
Office Location
EKLC - S339
Also on the web

Research Interests

Ethan Knight is an Associate Scientist with Western Water Assessment. In this role, he developed and is leading the implementation of WWA's communications plan. He also developed and manages WWA’s new website and social media accounts, and co-produces WWA's newsletters and webinar series. Lastly, he conducts climate research related to water resources and natural hazards in the WWA region (Colorado, Utah, and Wyoming). Most notably, he co-produces WWA's monthly Intermountain West Climate Briefings hosted on WWA's most popular web resource, the Intermountain West Climate Dashboard, which he also manages. Ethan has always had a great interest in the environmental field and is particularly interested in climate impacts on natural resources and vulnerable communities. He is also interested in western water resource management, conservation, and policy related to climate change, as well as hydrology, meteorology, and physical geography in the western United States.

Ethan first joined the WWA team in June 2019 as an undergraduate assistant primarily to help with the Colorado River Basin Climate and Hydrology: State of the Science Report. Some of his work on the report included editing text and figures, creating the references, glossary, and acronyms/abbreviations sections, and surveying sponsors and stakeholders about the report’s usability and whether it can be used for research, policy-making, or decision-making processes in water management and policy. Ethan graduated from CU Boulder with a BA in Environmental Studies and a Minor in Geography in May 2020.

Current Research

Climate research related to water resources in the WWA region:

- Co-produces monthly climate briefings for the WWA Intermountain West Climate Dashboard
- Manages the WWA Intermountain West Climate Dashboard
- Co-authored a SWOT analysis memo for potential revision of the Colorado Climate Change Vulnerability Study (2023)
- Co-produced a slide deck on global water issues and solutions for Microsoft (2023)
- Co-facilitated and presented in a Summer Institute Climate Change Education workshop (2023)
- Updated, expanded upon, and currently manages the WWA Historical High-Impact Weather and Climate Events Database
- Edited and/or contributed to the Utah Hazard Planning Tool (2022), Snowtography: Snowpack & Soil Moisture Monitoring Handbook (2021), Weber River Basin Climate Vulnerability Assessment (2021), and Snowpack Monitoring in the Rocky Mountain West: A User Guide (2020)
- Co-wrote communications section and reviewed for the WWA Rebid Proposal "Western Water Assessment: Building Resilience to Compound Hazards in the Intermountain West" (2021)
- Hosted or presented in 9 WWA webinars
- Narrated and wrote for the We Are Water Four Corners Podcast, Episodes 1 and 3; developed Mini Film Festival for Four Corners region and traveled to Aztec, NM to present; developed Living Room Conversation guide about water and life

Communications work:

- Development and implementation of WWA communications plan
- Management and creation of content for WWA social media accounts (Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, Mastodon, LinkedIn, and Threads)
- Development, management, and creation of content for WWA website:
- Coordination of WWA webinar series
- Archiving of WWA publications, projects, webinars, news stories, and more

Research Categories

Climate and Weather, Water Resources, Administrative Support

Honors and Awards

2023: Governor's Award for High Impact Research
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