Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

Joe Barsugli

Research Scientist

Headshot of Joe Barsugli
  • B.A., Physics, magna cum laude, Harvard University, 1982
  • Ph.D. Atmospheric Sciences, University of Washington, 1995
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Research Interests

Joe Barsugli is a research scientist at CIRES affiliated with NOAA's Physical Science Laboratory in Boulder.  Trained in climate theory and modeling, Joe has a long track record working with water and land managers to incorporate climate variability and change into adaptation planning, with particular expertise in the hydroclimate of the western US including the Colorado River. His recent work focuses on improving the methods used for attribution of historical trends and events, particularly for heat and cold events. Currently he is working on stakeholder applications for multiyear hydroclimate outlooks, and on the incorporation of future climate conditions into building codes and standards through his membership in the NOAA/American Society of Civil Engineers Task Force on Climate Resilience in Engineering Practice. He is passionate about connecting climate science with practitioners and technical staff in a variety of disciplines, and connecting researchers to the problems faced by managers.


Current Research

How do we build for the future?  To do this we need a concise way to present future climates to engineers so that updated standards and building codes can be written that are scientifically valid, and simple to communicate to the practicing engineer and their clients.  These standards, upon which codes are based, also need to be durable over multiple cycles of climate modeling since the cycle of development and use building codes lasts 10-20 years.  The needs for future climate and weather statistics are complex.  Creating a reliable enterprise that can bridge climate and weather science to the specifics of engineering design is not simple, and involves an incredible range of knowledge, practice, and competencies.  I am excited to be involved with the American Society of Civil Engineers in a collaborative effort to make this dream a reality.   See the following report for an idea of what is needed:



Research Categories

Atmosphere, Climate and Weather, Water Resources
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CECA connects and creates a supportive environment for graduate students and postdocs who come from various academic units to do research in CIRES.