Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

Mengjie Zheng


Post-Doctoral Associate in Seismology

Headshot of Mengjie Zheng
  • Ph.D., Institute of Geology and Geophysics(CAS), 2023
  • B.S., China University of Mining and Technology, 2018

Research Interests

I'm currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate at CIRES, University of Colorado Boulder, collaborating with Anne Sheehan. My general research interest is observational seismology/solid earth geophysics, and my primary research work is to develop and utilize novel seismic methods (mainly seismic tomography) and build high-resolution models of the Earth’s interior, to further determine the structures of the Earth’s lithosphere including geometry, composition, thermal properties, etc., with the ultimate goal to address the vital scientific issues concerning the Earth’s tectonic history, dynamics of the Earth’s evolution, as well as their implications for urgent human society challenges such as geohazards assessment and forecast, natural resources, and climate change.

Current Research

Under the mentorship of Prof. Anne Sheehan, I'm conducting research in seismology, focusing on analyzing ocean bottom seismic data from offshore Alaska. Our study includes the analysis of surface wave dispersion, seafloor compliance measurements and Ps delay time, aimed at characterizing the shallow oceanic and subduction zone crustal structures.

Research Categories

Solid Earth
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About CECA

CECA connects and creates a supportive environment for graduate students and postdocs who come from various academic units to do research in CIRES.