Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

Stan Benjamin

Senior scientist for advanced modeling systems, Senior Research Scientist

Headshot of Stan Benjamin
  • Ph.D., Pennsylvania State University, 1983
303 497 4176
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Research Interests

Benjamin is a senior scientist advisor for a group that focuses on developing the next-generation weather and earth-system models, data assimilation techniques and other research projects aimed at improving seamless prediction of extreme weather from short-range to seasonal time scales.

Current Research

  • Development of Rapid Refresh (RAP) and High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR), two experimental models developed in the Global Systems Laboratory which are now operational, helping weather forecasters around the country predict rapidly changing weather conditions including tornadoes, flash flooding and severe snowstorms.
  • Data assimilation (including storm-scale ensemble data assimilation) including observation impact studies and cloud/hydrometeor initialization.
  • Coupled atmospheric-ocean modeling toward improved prediction and predictability from tropical convection (MJO) and stratospheric sudden warming events.

Some of my branch’s current projects include:

  • Development of Rapid Refresh (RAP) and High-Resolution Rapid Refresh (HRRR), two hourly updated models developed in the Global Systems Laboratory which are now operational, and upcoming versions of similar models using the NOAA Unified Forecast System (UFS).
  • Development of global coupled models for improved medium-range to subseasonal forecasts.   Our group applies an advanced suite of physical parameterizations for global models (now, the NOAA Unified Forecast System – UFS, using the FV3 dynamic core) at medium-range and with coupling at subseasonal-to-seasonal scales.  
  • Development of improved representation of clouds and boundary layer and data assimilation to improve HRRR and RAP for applications for severe weather prediction and for the aviation/transportation community and for renewable energy, including ongoing wind and solar energy projects for the Department of Energy and NOAA, to improve energy management toward more efficient use of renewable energy.

Research Categories

Atmosphere, Climate and Weather, Energy, Water Resources

Honors and Awards

1998: U.S. Department of Commerce Bronze Medal - 1998
2004: American Meteorological Society Fellow
2006: NOAA Office of Atmospheric Research Outstanding Paper - 2006
2008: NOAA Office of Atmospheric Research Outstanding Paper - 2008
2010: NOAA Office of Atmospheric Research Outstanding Paper - 2010
2013: NOAA Research Employee of the Year
2015: Colorado Governor's Award for High-Impact Research
2017: NOAA Technology Transfer Award
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