Demystifying the Geoengineering Debate
3:00 pm - 4:30 pmMST
Open to Public
If society cannot eliminate greenhouse gas emissions fast enough to avoid the worst impacts of climate change, should we try to cool the planet through geoengineering? Should we develop geoengineering technology regardless? If we were to artificially cool the planet, when, where, and how should we do it, who should do it, and who gets to decide? These are some of the most controversial questions in climate science and policy. We are lucky in Boulder to have three of the world's experts on the science and policy questions related to geoengineering. Please join us for a panel discussion of these questions, moderated by C-SEF Director Matt Burgess.
Panelists include:
David W. Fahey, Director, NOAA Chemical Sciences Laboratory
Lisa Dilling, Associate Chief Scientist, Environmental Defense Fund; Affiliate of ENVS, CIRES, and C-SEF, CU Boulder
Waleed Abdalati, Director, CIRES; Professor of Geography, CU
Moderated by:
Matt Burgess, Assistant Professor of Environmental Studies, CU; Director, C-SEF
This event will take place in the CIRES Auditorium (CIRES 338) on February 6 at 3 pm. A short reception will follow in the CIRES Map Room (CIRES 340) at 4:30 pm. Everyone is welcome.
C-SEF's Come Together seminars will highlight research and people working towards building coalitions between political parties, stakeholders, scientists, different levels of government, industry and public, etc.