CIRES highlights at #AGU23
Presentations span the Earth and space science fields

AGU Fall Meeting 2023 is around the corner! Every year, hundreds of CIRES scientists and colleagues present important work during the annual gathering of Earth and space scientists. Here is a short selection of talks and posters CIRES researchers and staff will present during the upcoming meeting.
Monday, December 11
- Presenter: Ryan Cassotto
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 08:30 - 12:50 PST
GLIMS now tracks extinct glaciers
- Presenter: Bruce Raup
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 08:30 - 12:50 PST
Modeling the relationship between changing terrestrial water storage and subsurface stress
- Presenter: Que Hayes
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 08:30 - 12:50 PST
- Presenter: Anne Gold
- Location and time: 205-206, Moscone South, 11:30 - 11:40 PST
Mapping brine firn aquifers in Antarctic ice shelves from space
- Presenter: Julie Miller
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 14:10 - 18:30 PST
- Presenter: Khosro Ghobadi-Far
- Location and time: 158, Moscone South, 14:22 - 14:32 PST
Science Policy Coffee Roundtable featuring CIRES Tribal Advisor James Rattling Leaf
- Location and time: Salon 6, Lower B2 Level, Marriott Marquis San Francisco, 16:00 - 17:00 PST
- Town hall convener: Mariama Dryak-Vallies
- Location and time: 2006, Moscone West, 18:30 - 19:30 PST
Tuesday, December 12
Evaluation of hub-height wind forecasts over the New York Bight
- Presenter: Timothy Myers
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 08:30 - 12:50 PST
Chapter 4: Water: The Fifth National Climate Assessment
- Presenter: Liz Payton
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 14:10 - 18:30 PST
Chapter 25: Northern Great Plains: The Fifth National Climate Assessment
- Presenter: Corinne Knapp, CIRES Western Water Assessment
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 14:10 - 18:30 PST
- Presenter: Lindsey Anderson
- Location and time: 3001, Moscone West, 14:20 - 14:30 PST
Space weather modeling at the University of Colorado Deep Learning Laboratory
- Presenter: Enrico Camporeale
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 08:30 - 12:50 PST
- Presenter: Sarah Child
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 08:30 - 12:50 PST
50 Years of NOAA Baseline Surface Ozone Measurements
- Presenter: Peter Effertz
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 08:30 - 12:50 PST
- Presenter: Xin (Lindsay) Lan
- Location and time: 3016, Moscone West, 17:10 - 17:20 PST
Wednesday, December 13
- Presenter: Michael Gallagher
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 08:30 - 12:50 PST
Quantifying the benefit of using hazard services to communicate hazardous environmental information
- Presenter: Ethan Carr
- Location and time: 2018, Moscone West, 08:59 - 09:07 PST
Forecasting smoke and dust in NOAA’s next-generation storm-scale numerical weather prediction model
- Presenter: Ravan Ahmadov (NOAA) with CIRES co-authors
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 14:10 - 18:30 PST
Continuously updated digital elevation models (CUDEMs) to support coastal inundation modeling
- Presenter: Christopher Amante
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 14:10 - 18:30 PST
Place-based strategies for community climate resilience in classrooms of the rural western US
- Presenter: Katya Schloesser
- Location and time: 203, Moscone South, 15:15 - 15:25 PST
- Presenter: Ewa Bednarz
- Location and time: 3011, Moscone West, 16:52 - 17:02 PST
Thursday, December 14
Detecting and characterizing deep tremor in Northern Cascadia using dark fiber
- Presenter: Manuel (Matt) Mendoza
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 08:30 - 12:50 PST
Stratospheric ozone depletion inside the volcanic plume shortly after the 2022 Hunga Tonga eruption
- Presenter: Yunqian Zhu
- Location and time: 3003, Moscone West, 10:30 - 10:40 PST
Source attribution of VOCs measured during a mobile study in Commerce City, Colorado
- Presenter: Madison Rutherford
- Location and time: 3001, Moscone West, 10:50 - 11:00 PST
Underestimation of anthropogenic bromoform emissions: Implications for ozone depletion
- Presenter: Yue Jia
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 14:10 - 18:30 PST
Friday, December 15
Air (ine)quality in New York City
- Presenter: Audrey Gaudel
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 08:30 - 12:50 PST
GNSS precise point positioning of ships to detect tsunamis, sea surface height, and waves
- Presenter: Adam Manaster
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 08:30 - 12:50 PST
COVID-19 impacts on the US methane emissions
- Presenter: Sergio Ibarra Espinosa
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 08:30 - 12:50 PST
- Presenter: Guoqing Ge
- Location and time: 2014, Moscone West, 09:45 - 09:55 PST
Current state of knowledge and future directions in global lake hydrology in the Anthropocene
- Presenter: Fangfang Yao
- Location and time: Poster Hall, Moscone South, 14:10 - 18:30 PST