Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences

Marta Moreno Ibanez

Visiting Fellow

Headshot of Marta Moreno Ibanez
  • B.Sc. Environmental Sciences, National University of Education at Distance (Spain), 2017
  • M.Sc. Human Rights Practice, University of Gothenburg (Sweden), Roehampton University (UK) and University of Tromso (Norway), 2013
  • BA Social Work, National University of Education at Distance (Spain), 2012
  • BA and MA Psychology, Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain), 2010
Affiliated Department

Research Interests

Marta has a background in both social and natural sciences. Her current field of expertise is atmospheric sciences, and she is interested in the polar atmosphere. Her research has focused on polar lows, which are small and short-lived intense maritime cyclones that develop at high latitudes during the cold season. She has used atmospheric models to simulate polar lows and analyze their characteristics and development mechanisms.

Current Research

Marta is currently conducting simulations with the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Model with the aim to analyze the impact of horizontal resolution on the representation of polar lows. The results of this project will shed light on the resolution needed to correctly represent the characteristics of polar lows (e.g., size, intensity).

Research Categories

Atmosphere, Climate and Weather

Visiting Fellow



<p>My research focuses on polar lows, which are small and short-lived intense maritime cyclones that develop at high latitudes during the cold season. Despite the potential impact of polar lows on the ocean circulation, the current global climate models are too coarse to correctly represent them.<\/p>\r\n<p>I will analyze how the characteristics of polar lows and their impact on the ocean vary with increased horizontal resolution of an atmospheric model. I will use the Regional Arctic System Model (RASM), which is a limited-area, fully coupled ice-ocean-atmosphere-land model. I will also conduct atmosphere-only and ocean-only simulations. This study will provide evidence on the atmospheric resolution required to represent the impact of PLs on the ocean circulation.<\/p>


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CECA connects and creates a supportive environment for graduate students and postdocs who come from various academic units to do research in CIRES.