2024 CIRES Graduate Student Research Awards
Yingfei Chen (Xinzhao Chu, AERO ENG) Topic: Observational and modeling studies of thermosphere-ionosphere Na (TINa) layers
Laura Rea (Eve-Lyn Hinckley, EBIO) Topic: Investigating small-scale soil processes to determine the fates and consequences of agricultural sulfur at regional scales
Emmaline (Emmy) Longnecker (Paul Ziemann, CHEM) Topic: Seasonal field and laboratory study of the impact of urban air pollution on organic aerosol chemistry in Denver/Foothills region
Leah Bertrand (Jen Kay, ATOC) Topic: Quantifying and communicating Arctic cloud responses to warming with spaceborne radar and lidar
Daniel Hassell (Shelley Copley, MCDB) Topic: Taming the wild: how are horizontally acquired genes domesticated?
Daniel Katz (Ellie Browne, CHEM) Topic: Using mass spectrometry to detect and characterize previously unidentified trace gases in the ambient atmosphere
Samba Siva Sai PrasadThota (Balaji Rajagapolan, CIV ENG) Topic: Diagnosing and predicting the space-time variability of water availability in the US Great Plains region
Ashley Dancer (Matt Burgess, ENVS) Topic: The Macroeconomics of sustainability and fertility