Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Announcing the Reservoir Sedimentation Management Webinar Series

Paonia Reservoir, Colorado
Reservoir drawdown at Paonia Reservoir, Colorado

The nation’s 90,000 dams and reservoirs help ensure the stability of water and energy supplies and flood risk management. However, reservoir storage capacity, essential to meeting these purposes, has been declining as reservoirs fill with clay, silt, sand, gravel, and cobble sediment, in a process known as reservoir sedimentation.

In this webinar series, sponsored by CIRES Education & Outreach and CIRES Western Water Assessment, the Subcommittee on Sedimentation’s National Reservoir Sedimentation and Sustainability Team presents sustainable solutions to reservoir sediment management. 



Professional Development Hour Certificate - Annandale Webinar.pptx

Professional Development Hour Certificate - Morris Webinar.pptx

Professional Development Hour Certificate - Randle & Boyd Webinar.pptx

Professional Development Hour Certificate - Hotchkiss & Olson Webinar.pptx

Professional Development Hour Certificate - Morris Webinar.pptx

Professional Development Hour Certificate - Hotchkiss Webinar.pptx

The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation recently released a short introduction to Reservoir Sedimentation put together by Reclamation and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (link here).

Approximately one to two weeks after each webinar, a permanent link to the recorded webinar will be posted.


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